Fields: Add/Edit Asset

The Add/Edit Asset page allows you to create a digital asset, or to change information and metadata for a digital asset.

Assets > Add Asset

Assets > Edit


Displays the parent directory node of the asset you are creating or modifying.


Specifies a name for the asset. The name may have up to 255 characters. This field is required.


Specifies whether the digital asset will appear in patron searches, or will be hidden from patron searches. The Status field may have one of the following values.

Value Description


Specifies that the digital asset will not display in asset searches, however, it can be accessed through a direct URL. This allows a library to use MARC records to refer to assets and access them through a hyperlink in search results. Staged records would be hidden from a pure asset search but the MARC records would be found in a pure MARC search with a link for viewing the asset.


Specifies that the digital asset will display in search results lists presented to the patron. This value is typically used for assets that are ready for public use.


Specifies that the digital asset will not appear in search results lists presented to the patron. This value is typically used while assets are being prepared for public use, or for any other reason the library staff has to keep the asset from being located in a patron search.

The default Status value for the asset is the current Status value of the asset’s parent directory. You can override the default Status value by selecting a different value for the asset.

Note:  The Status value you choose for the asset can be changed if the Status for the folder is changed and the Cascade Status to Child Assets and Folders option is selected. (See Fields: Add/Edit Folder for information.)


Specifies keywords that may be used to locate the asset in a search.

Include OCR text for searching

Uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to scan image files saved in specific formats and indexes the full text from the scan to be searchable. Portfolio can scan the following formats:

  • TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group standard)
  • BMP (Bitmap image file format)
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
  • PDF (Portable Document Format)

If you enable the OCR scanning for other files, Portfolio recognizes that the file type is not scannable and will not attempt to scan the file.

Important: The scanned text is stored in the Portfolio database and is not editable.

Note: For the best OCR scan results, text in images should be large, straight, clear, and not include graphics or background images. If possible, use images with black text and white backgrounds. If the results are coming back inaccurate, scaling the image size up can help. Currently, OCR is only supported in English.


The Metadata fields show which metadata fields are required (if any) when creating the asset, and allows you to select additional optional metadata fields for the asset.

Upload Metadata File

Specifies the file that contains metadata to be uploaded for the asset. Select the Upload Metadata File field, or use the file search button to navigate to the metadata file you want to upload. When you have selected the metadata file, click the Upload button to upload the file.

Note: Only Dublin Core XML files, MARC 21 XML files, UNIMARC record files, and MARC 21 record files may be uploaded.

Important:  SirsiDynix supports only unqualified Dublin Core metadata elements. If you upload a MARC 21 or UNIMARC file that has metadata elements that cannot be mapped to unqualified Dublin Core elements, the unmapped metadata elements will be lost in the file upload.

Portfolio populates the Dublin Core metadata fields from the MARC 21 records according to this map.

Dublin Core Metadata Field Mapped from MARC tags and subfields


Not mapped.


651, 662, 752


100, 110, 700, 710, 711, 720


260: c


520: a (normalized for extra spaces)

5xx: a (excluding 506, 530, 540, 546, 520)


Not mapped.


856, 020


008: position 36, 3


260: a, b


530, 760, 762, 765, 767, 770, 772, 773, 774, 775, 777, 780, 785, 786, 787


506, 540


Not mapped.


600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 653


245: a, b, f, g, h, k


007, 655

Metadata Template

Specifies the template that determines which metadata fields (if any) must be completed when adding the asset, and which optional metadata fields (if any) may be completed.

Required Metadata

Displays the metadata field information that must be specified for the asset, according to the selected metadata template. Type the required information in the text field that corresponds to each required metadata field.

Note: This field displays only if the metadata template selected in the Metadata Template field requires one or more metadata fields when adding the asset. For more information about metadata templates and required metadata fields, see Managing metadata templates.

The text field for the metadata field can hold up to 2 GB of data.

Additional Metadata and Additional Metadata options

Allows you to complete or select additional metadata fields for the asset. The Additional Metadata fields are optional. Certain optional metadata fields will display if the metadata template selected in the Metadata Template field is configured to display those metadata fields. You may choose to complete the optional metadata fields, remove an optional metadata field, or add other optional metadata fields.

Any optional additional metadata fields configured for the selected metadata template or that you select will display in a table under Additional Metadata. Use the following options to determine which metadata fields display in the table.

Option Description

Add Row

Creates a row in the metadata table. When you create a row in the metadata table, a drop-down list and a text field display. Select the desired metadata field, then type the information for that field in the corresponding text field.

The drop-down list includes the Dublin Core metadata fields at the top of the list and any user-configured metadata fields below the Dublin Core fields. The search field metadata fields include the metadata name followed by the search field name (in parentheses). "None", in parentheses, indicates that no search field has been mapped to the metadata field. For more information about mapping a metadata field to a search field, see Managing metadata fields.

Note: The text field can hold up to 2 GB of data.


Deletes the selected row in the metadata table. This option deletes the selected metadata field and any information specified in its corresponding text field.

Security Settings

Specifies different levels of access that an administrative user or patron must have to access the asset. The Security Settings help protect the assets in the repository from being viewed by unauthorized users. This includes both patrons and administrators. Each Portfolio user has been assigned an access level and, depending on the setup at your library, may have additional authentication privileges. The different security options give levels of security and flexibility to your repository.

For most security restrictions, when a patron submits a search that would find an asset that has one of the accountability restrictions applied, results do not show up in the results or facets. However, if a Required Restriction is applied to an asset, a place holder that has no title or link appears in the results list with text stating that access to the result is restricted.

Portfolio does not require you to assign a security setting for each security type; however, you must choose an Access Level (the default is Extended Public). You will see only the security options that you have access to. For example, you cannot assign an access level of Supervisor if you have only Staff access.

If an asset in a folder has lesser accountability or accessibility than the folder’s, some administrators who would normally be able to manage the asset would not be able to find it. However, the asset would still be accessible to patrons through the Searching interface. Portfolio warns you when you attempt to move an asset into a folder with greater security settings.

Access Level

Specifies the minimum access level required to view the asset or folder in the digital access hierarchy. If a user does not have at least the selected level of access, the user will not see the asset or folder in the hierarchy, and cannot modify or remove the asset or folder. You can assign an access level to a user (administrative or patron) from within the accountability module of SirsiDynix Symphony.

Note:  The access levels are delivered with Portfolio, and you cannot create additional access levels. You also cannot modify or remove any access levels.

Your library may use the Access Levels to assign security levels in whatever manner works best. An asset or folder may have one of the following access levels. The descriptions suggest some potential uses.

Level Description

Extended Public

Often assigned to off-site users of the library system and to patrons who are not members of the library. These users may browse and search for resource types that have the Extended Public access level.


Often assigned to members and users of the library. These users can navigate the digital asset hierarchy and search the database, and may only see resource types with the level of Public and Extended Public.


Often assigned to library staff members. These users can navigate the digital asset hierarchy, search the database, and create, modify, and delete assets. These users may not see or work with assets at the Supervisor or System Admin level, but they may see and work with assets at the Staff, Public, or Extended Public levels.


Often assigned to library staff supervisors. These users can navigate the digital asset hierarchy, search the database, and create, modify, and delete folders and assets. These users can also assist in the maintenance of the metadata for assets, move assets from one location of the hierarchy to another, and remove folders and assets.

Supervisor users may search and modify folders and assets at the Supervisor, Staff, Public, and Extended Public levels. They may not search, browse, modify, or view assets and folders at the System Admin level.

System Admin

Often assigned to the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator. These users can navigate the digital asset hierarchy, search the database, and create, modify, and delete folders and assets.

These users may also assist in the maintenance of the metadata for assets, which includes the creation of resource types, move assets or entire folders from one place in the hierarchy to another, and remove folders and assets. These users often are responsible for reports, system maintenance, and installing software and hardware upgrades. System Admin users may search and modify folders and assets at all access levels.

Minimum Clearance

Specifies the minimum clearance required to view the asset or folder in the digital access hierarchy. If a user does not have at least the selected level of clearance, the user will not see the asset or folder in the hierarchy, and cannot modify or remove the asset or folder.

Note:  The clearances are administered in SirsiDynix Symphony. You can add, modify, and remove clearances there.

Select Allowed Need-to-Knows

Specifies the Need-to-Know security settings selected for the asset. Need-to-Know is an optional authorization setting that is based on possession of a specific setting rather than a level. An administrative user or patron must have at least one Need-to-Know setting that matches Need-to-Know setting in the asset to have access to the asset. Users and assets may have more than one Need-to-Know setting assigned to them.

Important: The available Need-to-Know settings are limited to those that have been assigned to you. You cannot add a security setting to an asset that is not granted to you.

Select Required Restrictions

Specifies the restrictions to the asset. Users and assets may have more than one restriction assigned to them. The library user’s access restriction must contain all the access restrictions in an item in order for the user to access the item. You can add and manage restrictions in Symphony.

Select Allowed Citizenships

Specifies which citizenships are required for administrative users to access the asset. Users may have only one citizenship assigned to them. A user’s Citizenship must match at least one of the Citizenships assigned to the asset for the user to have access to the asset. You can add and manage citizenships in Symphony.

Selection lists

You use the Available and Selected lists to specify which Need-To-Knows, Required Restrictions, and Allowed Citizenships accountability settings are activated for the asset.


Displays a list of the available accountability settings for each accountability type.

You can select or multiselect one or more accountability settings in an Available list and then click Select, or you can double-click individual settings to move them to the Selected.


Displays a list of accountability settings selected for the asset.

You can select or multiselect one or more accountability setting in a Selected list and then click Remove, or you can double-click individual settings to move them to the Available list. Select a single Need-to-Know setting and use the arrow buttons to move it to or from the Selected list.

To add or remove an accountability security settings in a list, choose the setting, and then use these buttons:

Option Description



Moves the selected accountability setting from an Available list to the respective Selected list.



Removes the selected accountability setting from a Selected list and returns it to the respective Available list.

Note: These buttons are context-sensitive based on which list a security setting is selected in. For example, the Remove option is disabled when you select settings in the Available list, but it is enabled when you select settings in the Selected list.

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