Books from the Blue is the Library’s eBook club. Each month we will promote an eBook for you to download, so that you can participate from the comfort of your own home. We will have a special monthly digital event where we explore our featured title. It may be a video, a webinar, author talk, or extra resources. Our eBookClub eBooks will be available to download through Libby and will always be available during the promotion period - no waitlists, no holds.

You can also use our featured eBook for your own book club. There is no limit to the number of people who can borrow at one time. Join our monthly events to enhance and enliven your reading experience.


April 2024 - eBookclub title of the month is "Pheasants Nest" by Louise Milligan


Pheasants Nest

About the Book

Kate Delaney has made the biggest mistake of her life. She picked the wrong guy to humiliate on a girls' night out and now she is living every woman's worst nightmare. Kate finds herself brutalised, bound and gagged in the back of a car being driven god knows where by a man whose name she doesn't know, and she is petrified about what's in store for her. As a journalist who is haunted by the crimes she's had to report over her career, Kate is terrifyingly familiar with the statistics about women who go missing and the fear and trauma behind the headlines. She knows only too well how those stories usually end.

As the suspense escalates, Kate's boyfriend Liam is left behind, struggling with his shock, fear and desperation as the police establish a major investigation. The detectives face their own feelings of anguish and futility as they reflect on the cases they didn't solve in time and the victims they couldn't save. They know Kate's chances of survival diminish with every passing hour.

This novel is informed by Louise’s decades on the frontline of criminal investigations. The author's background as a multi award winning investigative journalist has given her a unique perspective on how the effects of crime related trauma ripple out beyond the victims. PHESANTS NEST is inspired by the author's frequent drives through the Southern Highlands, and the real-life sinister history of Pheasants Nest Bridge.

Louise Milligan

About the Author

Louise Milligan is one of Australia’s most experienced and awarded journalists. During her time at the ABC her Four Corners stories have included I Am That Girl, which led to changes in NSW consent laws (two Walkley Awards and a Quill Award), Inside the Canberra Bubble (nominated for a Quill Award) and Bursting the Canberra Bubble (nominated for two Walkley Awards and shortlisted for a Logie), raised issues concerning the treatment of women in Canberra  Parliament House and, Guilty, about the conviction of George Pell (nominated for a Walkley Award and a Quill Award). While working for the 7.30 program her exclusive stories investigated the allegations against George Pell.



Ben’s Book Club featuring ‘Pheasants Nest’ by Louise Milligan

  • Online Trybooking page can be found here
  • Zoom link can be found here and use passcode: 638541



Previous eBookclub Titles

Ben's Book Club discussions from previous months can be found on the OverDrive YouTube page.