Collections available for loan include adult, young adult and children's novels, picture books and information books as well as graphic novels, magazines, DVDs and music CDs. Large print books and audiobooks are also available, as well as eMagazines, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and early literacy kits.
- Members may borrow and return at any library branch.
- A maximum of thirty (30) physical items may be borrowed at a time. Restrictions apply to HSC & early literacy kit collections. Most collections are available for three (3) week loans. DVDs, print magazines and the HSC collection are 7 day loans. See loan details below.
What can I borrow? And for how long?
Library loans: You may borrow up to 30 items at a time
eLibrary loans: In addition to the library loans above
Renewing Loans
- Two days before an item is due the system will automatically renew items. This will happen twice so long as you have not renewed items already yourself.
- Items that are not overdue or reserved for another borrower may be renewed twice whether you do this yourself or it is done automatically.
- If an item cannot be renewed due to a hold or because it has reached the hold limit, you will receive an email, one day before it is due, letting you know which items could not be renewed.
- To opt out of auto renewals please speak to one of our staff via phone, email, or in person at any of our branches. If you opt out of auto renewals you will receive an email one day before your items are due.
- Renewals can be requested in person at a branch, or by phone during open hours, or at any time via the online catalogue.
Overdue Loans
- Fees no longer apply for overdue items.
- Lost or damaged items are charged to the borrower at the full replacement cost plus a processing fee.
- Your account can be reviewed at any time via the library's online catalogue (My Account).
- In addition to the library loans stated above, you may borrow from our collections of eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines.
Holds (Reservations)
- Members can place holds on items that are located at another branch to be sent to your preferred branch for collection, or to place yourself on the waiting list for an item that is currently on loan.
- Holds can be placed in person, by phone or via the online catalogue at any time.
- Notification is sent by email or mail when the on-hold item is available.
- Holds are held at your nominated branch for 10 days.
Inter Library Loans
- Items can be borrowed from libraries outside the Blue Mountains area for a fee as an Inter-Library Loan.